17 Apr
Proud to Assist the NHS in Their Response to COVID-19
F P Hurley is proud to be working alongside our supply chain members to support the NHS in its efforts against the rapidly accelerating COVID-19 pandemic. Our teams are working incredibly hard on emergency projects that will help equip the NHS, so they can cope with the surging demand for COVID-19 beds. In the space of just a few weeks, we have taken fast action to help our NHS clients prepare by adapting current facilities and making them suitable for treating COVID-19 patients.
We have started work on several emergency projects at Morriston Hospital in Swansea and the University Hospital Llandough in Cardiff. Both projects involve the construction of emergency COVID-19 wards through the adaptation of existing facilities at each site.
Emergency works at Morriston Hospital (shown right) consist of two phases. Phase 1 includes the construction of a 42-bed temporary ward, along with an additional twelve-bed ward. Phase 2 will involve the construction of a 27-bed ward. All wards will be specifically for COVID-19 patients and are being built in the current HDS 1B waiting room area. Our team is delivering full mechanical services installation, including medical gases. The team was required to mobilise extremely quickly, with work beginning within days after we were approached by Swansea Bay UHB.
Simon Midgley, F P Hurley Director, has been leading our works at Morriston Hospital. He comments:
Our extensive experience at Morriston Hospital working with Swansea Bay UHB has served us well and we are committed to doing all we we can to support the NHS in its fight against COVID-19. These are unprecedented times and I’m proud of our employees, who volunteered to support our NHS clients during this crisis. It has been a team effort and I’m incredibly thankful to our key supply chain and suppliers who have all had to work flexibly and adapt to this rapidly changing situation.
The Health Board have praised the entire team for their incredible efforts, which is reflected within a Wales Online article which can be accessed through the link below.